Pain Free and Drug Free?
Why Consider Low Light Laser Treatment?
Like most of us, I carry a lot of stress in my shoulders, felt like the weight of the world. Yes meds helped, massage helped, but it never went away, it was a constant debilitating pain.. But after a couple days of using this new low light laser therapy device, well my shoulders never bother me at all. I know It is hard to believe that the key to being pain free, is a drug free, non invasive form of medicine that helps the body, at the cellular level, to heal, reduce pain and inflammation at the source, and can create a safe and effective solution for your chronic pain, wound healing and arthritis.
I am blown away at the ads promoting daily pain medication, and I know, that this cycle of endless pain and medications can be stopped with low light laser therapy. I have seen and experienced the amazing healing properties of light many times over both on my own body my friends, and those of my pets. This technology is so incredible, understandable and studied, I wonder if the big pharmaceutical companies are somehow responsible in keeping it on” the down low ” for so many years. I would like to predict that in this time and age where we are all trying to get away from the daily pain medications, that in another 20 years these devices will be a household item that everyone with pain can safely use in the comfort of their own homes, and be able to live life to its fullest with out pain. Low laser light therapy will never replace doctors, but it certainly should be added to their arsenal of things to try before surgery and/or a life long program of drugs. Mostly to blame for the lack of wider acceptance among the medical profession is the insurance companies, as most do not recognize this modality of medicine to be a viable option. Interestingly enough, most pet insurance providers do cover low light laser therapy costs for their patients
In my last post, ( I explained what low laser light therapy (LLLT) is, how it works, and how the Food and Drug Administration classifies laser units. If you haven’t read it, or if you are not sure if Laser Therapy is right for you, PLEASE take a minute to read it. I have written it with the average person in mind and hopefully, you will find it educational and enlightening (pun intended)..
This post is a review of what I believe to be the best laser unit on the market, for the beginner, and for at home use..
let me explain a bit about my practical experience with low laser light therapy.
Keeping on the Go…
I am an active person. I have a small farm where I train horses and dogs and teach riders and handlers and with the help of my family, We do all of our own farm maintenance and gardening. If I am down and out due to pain of any sort, the well oiled machine of getting the things done that need to be done comes grinding to a painful stop. Basically, I do not have time for pain.
I have watched the evolution of Low light laser therapy since the late 1970’s. As a young Equestrian, I had used just about every small laser light device that I could afford at the time, on both myself and my animals. I also was fortunate to be able to borrow a lot of devices that belonged to sales reps or veterinarians. I used devices that were a “pad” of LED lights and a small device that used pulsed electromagnetic field energy, but my favorite and most helpful were the large Class IV devices that I would borrow from my Vet. Class IV Laser Devices had been the most powerful and the most dangerous (creates heat, can burn skin and damage eyes) devices on the market, but that power also brought the best results . So you can understand my excitement when this new generation of lasers hit the market that are as powerful or more powerful then the Class IV lasers, SAFE enough to be classified as a Class I by the FDA, affordable for the at home user and cordless, making it easy, and convenient where ever I am on the farm. This is a medical grade device that has just recently become approved for private purchase.
Overall Ranking: 9 of 10
Price: $2,995.00
- Safe and Easy to Use with simple interface and treatment modes
- Cordless, Ultra portable with a 8 Hour Rechargeable Battery
- FDA Cleared for patient use at home which reduces stress
- Fast Pain Relief
- Pulsing Red, and Infrared Radiances
All the Laser units from Multi Radiance Medical are amazing medical grade devices, and they all use the same wavelengths with the same delivery. Some of the more Professional units have more options of combinations of the wavelengths, they have more power which allows them to have a shorter treatment time ( 2 minutes compared to 5), and have a blue laser which works on wounds to kill bacteria. They are also a bit more pricey…
Because these units are sold to such a diverse market (chiropractors, dentists, veterinarians, physical therapists, etc), MRM marketing department has created different color sleeves for different markets. This Blue “My Pet Laser” is the same unit as the new “Pain Away” (has a red cover) you can find on the website. This is where the ranking lost a point in my book.. more complicated than it needs to be.. These lasers are just recently being sold to the general public for at home and personal use and it seems they really haven’t given names much thought
This Product must have the big pharmaceutical companies worried to death. Everyone should have a low light laser therapy device. I use this unit on my arthritic hands (otherwise I would not be typing this) and later tonight I will use it on my corgi. This unit is SAFE! Only pregnant women and people with pacemakers need to seek professional guidance. This unit can be used on any living being in your house with acute or chronic pain including your dogs, cats, horses.. everyone!
I absolutely love the Quick Reference Guide that comes with this laser.. It tells you exactly which of the three settings to use for the effect you are needing.
This low light laser therapy device comes with the blue protective sleeve and a plastic case that includes the charger. It also comes with a 2 year warranty with an option to purchase another 3 years.
Multi Radiance Medical has a small inside sales department that handles the needs of the outside sales force. For best support and better price , purchase from an outside sales representative that is trained in all aspects of low light laser therapy its use and classes..
This units price is listed as $ 2,995.00. Outside Sales Representatives can often find creative ways to lower the price and can include FREE e-books on methods etc.
Before buying any other Low light laser therapy device, Please read carefully.. there are recently, a lot of laser and light therapy devices in many of the high end catalogs, that with a little tricky wording in the descriptions, leads one to believe that the FDA has something to do with approval of these devices where in reality this is just crafty marketing. Most of these products do no harm, but do not deliver the needed light energy to treat tissues beyond a few centimeters.
These MRM Laser units are used in 80% of chiropractic colleges world wide. They are used in all the top Veterinary Universities and by the Olympic Equestrian teams. Athletic directors for many major league teams Use MRM laser therapy to keep their players on the field.
Therapeutic lasers are getting better every year. These new lasers that have now entered the marketplace provide deeper tissue penetration, higher power densities and reliable electronics to achieve better clinical outcomes. The Multi Radiance Medical ” your Pet Laser” really is the ultimate safe and affordable solution for chronic pain, wound healing, and arthritis for all your family members. It is A New, Better Idea in Pain Management.
What does Low Light Laser treatment feel like? Does it hurt?
There is little or no sensation during low light laser treatment. Some report feeling a mild, soothing warmth or tingling.
Are there any side effects or associated risks?
Within the more then 4000 studies and with more than twenty years of use by practitioners around the world, very few side effects have ever been reported. If a patient is allergic or ultra sensitive to light they may get a rash for a few days. Occasionally, as the healing response occurs, some chronic injuries or pain syndromes may initially feel aggravated post treatment .
How long does the treatment take?
Depending on the condition and the size of the area being treated, The average treatment duration is 5 minutes.
How frequently should a patient be treated?
Acute conditions can initially be treated once or twice a day. Chronic conditions respond best when treatments are received 3-4 times per week.
How many treatments does it take?
Treatment varies with the each condition. Acute conditions may only require 1-6 treatments while more chronic or long standing issues may require 10-15 sessions and may require periodic ongoing care. Older patients generally require more treatments for the safe effects
How long until I notice results?
You may feel results after your first treatment. Each treatment is cumulative and most patients feel results after 2-3 sessions.
“Treatment with laser therapy is not based on heat development, but on photochemical and photobiological effects in cells and tissues.”
Breed: Yorkie
Name and Age: Mia (13)
Owner’s Report: Our little Yorkie, Mia, has been a very special part of our life. But, at 13 1/2, there were many times she had a hard time just getting up in the morning. We’ve known since her birth that she’d been diagnosed with subluxating patellae, but we’d resisted the thought of putting her through surgery until recently. We tried meds, but they didn’t work.
The orthopedic surgeon told us on a four scale, she was a 4 on the right side and 3 on the left. Fortunately, a good friend and animal nutritionist told us about your laser therapy. We tried it and it has worked very very well. We just wish we’d known about it sooner, she is much more comfortable. We couldn’t believe it could make such a difference, but it has and we now highly recommend it for anyone. Thank you.
Share your Story…
Do you have a laser story you would like to share? Low light laser therapy has helped me so much…I’d love to hear your story.. Please take a minute and drop me a line below.. May we all be Pain Free and Drug Free…!
Interested in purchasing a MRM laser for your own use? Want to know more? Please leave me a comment, or question and I will get back to you shortly.
Thanks for visiting.. wishing you a blessed and pain free day!
You stated that this particular device for pets can be used on people also. So, other than the color of the device, is there any major difference between the two? Is this, or the one specifically labeled for humans, considered a medical device? I have found that if something is labeled “medical device” that a prescription from a doctor may be required. I would assume that if it is labeled for pets that would not be the case. Am I correct? I personally do not like to take prescriptions and would opt for something like any day.
Thank You Susan for the question. Low light laser therapy has come a lomg way in the past few years. They recently added the official name to the treatment and it is now known as photobiomodulation. Due to the new technology, the safty of these new device is better then many that professionals are using and just as powerful. So yes these are marketed to professionals and lay people alike, and are also marketed for professionals to rent out to pet owners. You do not need to have a prescription to purchase your own.
Laser therapy sounds safe and a lot of fun. Laser itself has the ability to give light pressure stimulation to our system. The best part is that you can do this at a distance. I have to admit that is really expensive. But then again, thats the price to pay for something clinical grade with good therapeutic effect with low side effect. I say low because you have to be careful not to shine it into eye balls. Then again if you are careful thats not a real concern at all. How many years can this device last?
Okay evidently the post you read did not educate enough.. 1) not as expensive as used to be (10k+)… 2) very safe.. class 1 wont hurt your eyes, 3) apply directly to skin. 4) actually causes cells to heal faster and eliminate pain and inflamation.. 5) NO bad side effects… only healing.. lasers of today have come a long way..
so you have shown me that although I have different post explaining these things.. I need to put some of the same information into each post for those that did not read the earlier posts
thanks for your help.. I have a lot of work to do..
Thanks for sharing. I think laser therapy is very beneficial. I used to work with a holistic employer and she would use it on pain in the head neck and jaw area. People would feel an improvement after a short period of time.
In the dental field laser therapy is used in the mouth and I have seen the advantages of using it. The product is pretty expensive so not many employers have it.
When you have pain, which type of doctor do you request for this type of treatment to be done.
Thank you Sofia, Low light laser therapy, or Photobiomodulation has come a long way in recent years. The Devices are now easy to use, portable, safe, effective and now affordable for both practitioners and for at home use.
Sadly, laser therapy is still not covered by insurance, which makes the medical profession steer clear. Laser therapy would be so advantageous for all those people living with pain and using pain products.
80% of practicing chiropractors are using some sort of laser therapy, as are oral surgeons, and veterinarians.
Hopefully as the technology improves and the word gets out about its successes more people will have access to this amazing modality of medicine.
Have you ever had the opportunity to use a low light laser device on your self? your pets?
This is a very interesting product. We do have one unit of laser therapy in the vet clinic where we work, but it’s very bulky and very troublesome to transport from room to room.
Another thing about it is that it emits a very loud noise whenever it beams. We usually use it for 3 minutes and some dogs do get frightened. Will this be the case for My Pet Laser?
Looks like a good investment. I’ll have a chat with my boss.
HI Cathy, These lasers are the next generation of devices. The My Pet laser is easy to use, quiet ( you can’t hear it at all unless you hold it up to your ear), safe and powerful at 15 watts. Multiradiance Medical has two stronger lasers that they market to Veterinarians the MR4 (25 watts) and the MR4 Pro (50 watts) These larger lasers also contain a blue light that kills topical bacterial and fungal infections even MERSA resistant bacteria. They are even being used to treat corneal ulcers.
There are more then 440,000 units being used all over the world at this time. MRM sells packages to veterinarians where the vet buys a large one and two small ones that can be rentedt out to clients making a win-win for everyone, keeping the pet more comfortable at home and increasing owner participation and compliance. They are all very safe, and of course, cordless. MRM has a great program (Laser U) where they help vets and technicians learn how to use them, and have an incredible trade in program running now. Where are you located? I am happy to help you and the practice learn how Multiradiance Medical lasers can fit into the practice, help make some passive income, and certainly help some four legged family members feel better. Thanks so much for the question and inquiry. I look forward to hearing back..