The Best Food For Your Dogs


It Would Be Nice if it Were That Easy.

To find a site where they can tell you what you should feed your dog, based on his breed, his age or even his activity level.

Not This Food!

But the reality of it is that it is never that easy. Just like their people, dogs nutritional needs change though out their lifetimes and occasionally outside factors influence what kind of food we feed our dogs.

Lets face it, here in  America, we are seeing a shift to a more aware and healthy society.  With the creation of the “Let’s move program” and “The Partnership for a Healthier America”, food manufacturers are looking more closely at ingredients.  Everyone seems to be watching labels, and learning about nutrition is important for us to stay healthy and strong. It is just as important for us to know what is in our dogs food, and reading labels and being connected with what your dogs are eating is your responsibility as a dog owner.

We all grow as dog owners and  sometimes we learn the hard way, or by trial and error, and just like us and our 2 legged children, our dogs can occasionally react to some of the foods we feed them with allergies or sensitivities. Remember, because our 4 legged babies cannot tell us when they feel bad it is important for us to always keep a sharp eye out for changes in behavior, mood, condition and especially our dogs feces. Being in-tune with what comes out of your dog, tells you a lot about how your dogs body reacts to what is going in.

Variety is the Key to Life

I am fortunate to have a small pack of dogs.  Feeding could be complicated, but instead it is an opportunity to condition, train, regulate and observe all my dogs. As far as different protein sources go, I stick with a couple, and because of the volume of dry kibble  that I use, I am able to mix and switch easily and with out any ill effects.  I know I would not want to eat the same thing every day for my whole life, no matter how good it is for me.

Still confused? Well, recently I was contacted by They have created a completely awesome review article about the Best Dog Foods on the market and they focus specifically on quality Ingredients. With more than 2,000 different formulas of dry food to look at, their methodology is through and logical.

Besides quality of product and history of the manufacturer, some of the take away points covered include “things to watch out for”,  and those “other ingredients”. They also touch on other types of food (besides Kibble), including some great thoughts on feeding raw.

I highly recommend anyone who feeds dogs take a look at it.    here is the link:

Best Dog Food:

Thanks for visiting,  Love has 4 legs!


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